Thanks for a great July Walk/Ride Day! We hope you took the chance to use your commute to your benefit, whether to be more active, reflective, or productive. The results are in--click here for a full report.
Mode changes on Walk/Ride Day led to 9% more biking, 5% more walking, and 26% of drivers making a shift to a healthier or greener mode.

July Check-in Questions: Your Ideal Commute

August's Walk/Ride Day Theme is Water Travel
(Log your commute from August 27 through September 3)

If you are a water traveler or commuter and would like to share a favorite memory or story, please write to us at
We try to publish all of your stories, especially if you include a picture!

Make sure to keep an eye out for the 3 remaining Walk/Ride Days of 2018: August 31, September 28, and October 26. We will be raffling off a Flex-Back Micro Kickboard scooter for those who check in all three months!
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (@WalkRideDays) for more theme-related facts, cartoons and stories. Share your Walk/Ride Day photos and stories with us by tagging #walkridedays or #walkrideday on social media.
Have a great weekend and please stay in touch!
Janie Katz-Christy, Director
Green Streets Initiative
617-299-1872 (office)
