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Motivating change, one commute at a time

Since our founding in 2006, Green Streets Initiative ® has been inspiring people to rethink and celebrate their commutes. Whether in schools, workplaces, or communities, our inclusive and fun approaches have shown how using sustainable transportation can improve the health of individuals and communities. 

Click here to see Friends of Green Streets.

ACIS Educational Tours staff members who biked to work for Walk/Ride Day
Our Programs
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What Moves Us projects inspire commuters to learn from the experiences and insights of others. Video interviews with a wide range of people humanize green commuting and highlight the diverse transportation options available to us.  

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What Moves Us 


Commuter Challenges

Green Streets Commuter Challenges are competitions within or between organizations that involve everyone, from drivers to public transit users, to pedestrians. The Challenge heightens awareness of alternative transportation methods.


Walk/Ride Days

Anyone can participate in Walk/Ride Days. You can do it by yourself or with colleagues, friends, parents, or children. It is a fun and engaging way to rethink your commute!

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Green Streets can gather baseline and post-project data about commuting patterns, providing extremely useful additions to most projects. We can also tailor our Transportation Resources webpage to your organization.

Transportation Surveys and Resources

“We felt that the student population often doesn't get surveyed when it comes to these kinds of studies. Doing this project in our schools will be a good way to gather information that, frankly, other places just don't really have.”

     -Eric, Transportation Planner, What Moves Everett (MA) Schools client

“My interest in protecting the environment and finding ways to reduce our carbon footprint led me to the work of the Green Streets Initiative. Their unique What Moves Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions project was a great fit for the school as there are so many car-free ways to get to our campus (shuttle, T, ferry, bus, biking, walking). Everyone on the Green Streets team showed a passion for green transportation and were more than happy to share innovative and exciting ways to increase alternative transportation use on campus.” 
-Tyler, What Moves MGH IHP client

"The Commuter Challenge is motivating! Once I got started I realized my commute time was only marginally longer, much less stressful, and allows me to get my exercise in. One day I had a flat tire and learning that the buses had racks on them made me more relaxed about riding in threatening weather." 

                                                         -Beth, Commuter Challenge participant
Recent Commuter Challenge Participants
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